Monday, October 24, 2011

Prophetic Word from The Time is Now Conference-Tammy Schabel October 2011

When the alarm woke me this morning I was in a dream. I heard the name "August South" twice right before the alarm went off.

August means : inspiring, reverence or admiration; majestic. It is the eighth month, symbolizing new beginnings. Also, the month of the Jewish New Year known as "Rosh Hashanah." There are 31 days in August: one of the names of God is "El", meaning "the Almighty." The numeric value of this Hebrew word is 31.

South: "a cardinal point of the compass lying directly opposite north." The cardinal is our North Carolina state bird. It is a bright red, North American songbird. Cardinal means: "of prime importance; a high ecclesiastical appointment standing in rank next to the pope." Red is used as one of the primary colors of light.

This is what I am hearing:

God is visiting North Carolina right now and North Carolina will be one of the primary states to lead the way in this next move of God among us. When the month of August was originally chosen for the calendar, it was because of several great triumphs, one of which was Egypt. I hear the Lord saying that the Spirit of Egypt (love of the world and slavery or bondage to it) is being broken off of the Body of Christ. Our reverence and admiration for the Majesty of the Almighty God is going to be restored. This day, " The Time is Now Conference", is the beginnings of this new thing that God is doing in our hearts.

- Tammy Scahbel, Raleigh, NC, October 2, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Testimony- Burning Conference, June 2011

For the past 3 years my 16 year old daughter has been experiencing overheating. This started with sports, but expanded to her everyday life. Now this doesn’t sound like a serious problem, but when she would exert herself the least little bit she would get physically sick; turn pale, cold sweat, muscle weakness, dizziness, shaking, and upset stomach. She was hydrating like crazy but nothing helped. She went to her pediatrician who ran lots of tests (including looking for tumors) but could not find the source. She finally had to quit playing volleyball and could not even enjoy going to the water park or beach with her friends. We would notice even in the coldest room she would still be hot.

Last June we came to the Burning Conference at your church. She was prayed for many times throughout the conference – but she noticed a difference. She was able to dance during the Burning set and not overheat. All summer long she kept testing it and testing it and she was not overheating. She would get hot (as a normal person does) but not cross over to that point of getting sick anymore.

That was 5 months ago and she has been dancing up a storm. We are so grateful to God and to Catch the Fire Raleigh for this miracle. Blessings on your church!

-Anne Sych, Newport News, VA, October 14, 2011

Word from Tammy Schabel during The Time is Now! Conference

Friday night I heard the Lord say that He is/would be sending us (Catch the Fire Raleigh) out and that we would need to have our arms stretched wide open because we would return with the harvest of souls. I heard the old hymn, "Bringing in the sheaves." My husband sang the hymn beautifully on the way to church on Saturday morning. On Saturday night, I saw bodies all over the floor face down and the Lord reminded me of the outpouring that we experienced in the Baptist church in the 80's. I saw this in Brownsville, Fl. as well. I felt in my spirit that it would not be long before this would be happening at Catch the Fire Raleigh.

-Tammy Schabel, October 5, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Karen's Testimony

Just over a month ago after reading a book by Andrew Murray called 'Experiencing the Holy Spirit' I was seized with a desperate and urgent desire for this experience of the Holy Spirit. Since then I have had many experiences including electrical currents flowing through me in the night as well as visions. I have also been attending the Holy Spirit meetings at the Island Church every Thursday and thus heard about the Catch the Fire Conference. I must say I found it to be a most blessed experience particularly gaining huge insight from the teaching on the cross and who we are in Christ - I must state this here as I am most grateful to Duncan for this teaching - it helped me to explain some of the visions etc which I have been experiencing, but that is a whole different story.

I had never experienced a fire tunnel before so I was most excited since I have been in a state of urgent expectancy ever since reading the book. However I must admit I had my own ideas about what I hoped to receive from the Lord. When I walked through the tunnel I just stumbled and fell down halfway through, but I was fully conscious and aware of everything that was going on around me, I soon got up and decided to walk through again since I noticed the many strange manifestations around me and thought perhaps I needed to receive more, this time I just stumbled a bit but made it through without I went a third time when again I fell halfway through, but was completely conscious and aware of everything going on around me, where it seemed others were in some other place and experiencing far deeper things than me. To be honest this bothered me as I wondered why I had not really received anything as I felt exactly the same, but I had gone in with a huge willingness to receive. It bothered me so that throughout the next morning I pondered it almost non stop..naturally it also led me to question whether anyone really received anything REAL or if they were just pretending or making up the laughing etc..but not in a bad way..I just honestly sensed God there but wondered how someone could be that close and yet not was at this point that I felt the Lord say....'don't be so quick to say you didn't receive anything...' so I accepted this thought and trusted the Lord to show me more.

Almost as soon as I got in my house after work I had an irresistible urge to start speaking (I was alone) and when I did a strange language was coming out my mouth...well I had heard about tongues before but never felt I had received a proper tongue as it always felt made up. But this was quite different. So I spoke for about an hour non stop, but I already noticed that as I was speaking I could almost see the phrases before my eyes, this 'seeing the words' continued throughout Friday and Saturday night (hardly slept) and convinced me that this was definitely a different experience to previous unsatisfactory attempts to speak in tongues. Eventually after Church on Sunday I felt a need to write the phrases I could see down..almost as soon as they were down I felt the Lord tell me to turn my computer on and type in 'language identification'. Immediately a website came up and I entered the first phrase thinking this was crazy... the first phrase was immediately identified as Tagalog which I since discovered is the second biggest language spoken in the Philippines, all of the remaining phrases were also identified as Tagalog. The next step was to translate the words. Some of them had direct translations such as 'kataka-taka which means miracle - something independent of laws of nature and 'pagtaka' which means astonishment, 'halina' - to call a person and 'mundo' - universe, everything there is...but I got no direct message as some words I had joined together likethis and some had been misspell using an a instead of an o. I have also since discovered there are several dialects of this tongue as it is spoken by approximately 22 million people which complicates such a literal interpretation. For the record I must state that I am probably one of the least traveled people in the world. I was born in Zimbabwe and lived there all my life until coming to Knysna about 9 years ago. I have never been in any other countries and never had the slightest interest in the Philippines. Since then I have had other words come to me one of which was the name of a city in the Philippines 'Naga'. Oh and the thing I like the most about this is the meaning of Tagalog - it is a name of an Ethnic group of people and the word literally translates as 'coming from the river' or 'native of the river'. I like this so much as I have seen in Rev 22:1 and other places that the Holy Spirit is likened to a river of life. It was at this point that I felt the Lord gently say to me 'Now was that REAL enough for you?' The strangest thing though is that I keep getting and seeing words which I can identify but don't string into a particular message, the sense is more of learning a language almost like in the Matrix when they put Neo in the chair with that cap and things were just downloaded in his brain..also interesting that getting a tongue was the last thing I expected or even wanted..

By the way probably one of the most astonishing miracles is the fact that when Brian asked me to share this at the Holy Spirit meeting I readily agreed and managed easily standing in front of people talking into a see I have always been a quiet and shy person and I was terrified of public speaking and never in my wildest dreams thought I would stand and testify in front of others..but I actually quite enjoyed it!!! :)

Blessings to you and your family - Karen

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Testimony from Women Ablaze 2011

We wanted to let you know how blessed and changed we were by the conference. It was a powerful time for us as many things were being confirmed and lining right up. We enjoyed meeting many sweet sisters in Christ- what a blessing it is to see and experience God's transformation of His daughters. Powerful ministry! and the grace and peace at CTF Raleigh clearly manifested.

God bless you,
Cass, and daughter Josephine, Hawkinson 6/28/2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Word from Patricia Bootsma 7/7/2011

For myself, before Duncan and Kate announced (at least before I knew) they were going to Raleigh, I was in the hospitality room in Toronto and I received a vision of two cities the Lord was going to powerfully touch. One of them was Raleigh and the other Cleveland. Who happened to be in the room was Steve Witt and also Duncan and Kate. Anyway, I am aware great things are happening now in Cleveland as per Steve Witt's testimony in Redding when I was there several months ago. Regarding Raleigh, there was a mushroom cloud like a good kind of nuclear bomb and it went all over the world.
During worship on the Sunday we were in Raleigh, I felt the Lord remind me of that word and He said that yes, things have already begun in the first CTF church was planted in Raleigh but yet there was much more to that word about to come to pass.
After the service Sunday, a gal came up to me and said she had had the same picture over CTF Raleigh of a mushroom cloud. I asked her to share it with Kate. Then a third gal told me she had a similar picture as well.
I had also felt a big awakening happening in the area - Great Awakening - and I felt it would in particular come through the youth.

-Patricia Bootsma
July 2011

Word from Jocelyn Tracey 6/26/2011

I had a dream and in my dream I was in a coffee shop, I knew I was in the heart (exact centre) of Raleigh; I also knew that someone was coming to visit me, however I didn't know whom. A lady came in and sat down across from me.. she said 'I am an angel with a message, CTF in Raleigh will be receiving supernatural acceleration, there have been many promises which the Lord has handed them and they are coming to pass in God's timing ... tell the church to ready their hearts, for their is a wave coming. Let them know that Raleigh does not belong to North Carolina in the heavens, it belongs to CTF; Raleigh.... it is theirs to claim. God's hand is over their church. Finally, tell the youth that they have been chosen.

-Jocelyn Tracey
Women Ablaze 6/26/2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Word from Ann-Marie Burrell 6/26/2011

I saw a picture of a dirt moat surrounding the church building which was very rocky.
The church was pure white in colour. Which I felt represented the heart of the church. The intimacy the church as a whole, had with the Lord and was of one spirit. I than saw going away from the church was a dirt road leading up a steep hill to a mountaintop. I felt the church had been in a wilderness experience season. On the mountaintop I saw green trees which I felt meant abundance and more provision was coming. In the supernatural and the natural. I saw the church seeing vision far into the distance and getting the big picture . Of what is to come and where its to go.

Further I saw many people of all ages gathering in the church building. A spirit of worship, joy and the Father's love exploded at CTF Raleigh. The building wasn't big enough to contain all the people. Isaiah 61:1-3 came to mind.

-Ann-Marie Burrell
Women Ablaze 6/26/2011